
The Glenn Beck Program | Here Comes the Impact | Guests: Gov. Kristi Noem & Dr. Kelli Ward | 4/15/20

2020-04-16 34 Dailymotion

The Glenn Beck Program | Here Comes the Impact | Guests: Gov. Kristi Noem & Dr. Kelli Ward | 4/15/20
Glenn needs YOUR nominations for the coveted Mao Trophy, awarded to the most dictator-like local leader during this pandemic! Glenn runs through the latest in “drunk news.” South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem joins to discuss her state’s clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine and a recent outbreak at a giant meatpacking plant. Livestock market analyst Corbitt Wall breaks down what to expect from a coming meat shortage and why we shouldn’t panic. In today’s COVID-19 update, New York adds “presumed” virus deaths to its tally, Trump halts all WHO funding, and a memo from Taiwan suggests yet again that the WHO failed. Arizona GOP chair Dr. Kelli Ward argues why we must fight for free market over socialized health care.